Thursday, January 28, 2010


I so badly want to go to Ireland and London for the summer. I feel like I am never going to collect all the money I need. I have passed out business cards like crazy, trying to promote myself as a babysitter. I am limited because I go to school and work and parents at my school don't really understand that. Right now I have $400. I know that is not a lot of money but for me this is huge. Unfortunately I have to save money right now for text books and that is just a headache in it self. My sister already has all of her money and is set to go. She has always been a saver, but this is more difficult for me. She was the kid that saved birthday money and giftcards. I was the kid who thought saving was some kind of joke. Now it has affected me in my later years. I am 19 years old and I can't put away twenty dollars. It's definitely becoming a learning process. Prostitutes and strippers are sad, pathetic, and gross, yet they could probably book their flight to Europe in ONE night. I am jealous, don't judge me.

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