Friday, October 29, 2010

spring 2011?

Big girl college, hmmm? haha well see.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I feel like I am finally getting math

It is amazing. B's on both tests. Things are lookin' up. I applied to CSUF for next fall. Fingers crossed xo.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

20 more days

mumford and sons

Lend me your hand
and we'll conquer them all
But lend me your heart
and I'll just let you fall
Lend me your eyes
I can change what you see
But your soul you must keep,
totally free ♥

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Pencil Book Stand

Teaching on a budget. I have no money. But I really wanted book stands for my classroom. They are pretty pricey...Then I came up with the idea of pencil book stands. All you need is a glue gun and pencils...SUCK IT RECESSION

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The glass that was half full...

is now half empty. I tried putting on a smile and acting like nothing in my life was wrong. That didn't work out too well for me. For some apparent reason, I deserve to be treated like shit? "Why don't you just move out then", "You don't like it, then leave!" "Aren't you old enough to be out on your own?" "You're so selfish". I hate growing up. It gets worse and worse, the older you get. I love how I am the issue. Not the fact that we have to move and have no money, but me still living at home, has become the issue? Maybe I should look into colleges away from here. I feel like no one cares, either way. It sucks. I spent 48 hours looking for places to live and driving around and now I get treated like this. It's wonderful and well deserved. I am selfish because I don't want to sleep on the top of a bunk bed and because I would prefer to live in a place where I can park my car outside of our house not a mile down the street. What 19 year-old would like that? Find one, and get back to me.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

For anyone who cares...

Friday was the day from hell. I woke up late, my appointment was at 10:15 in Santa Ana. My gas light went on right when I got on the free way. I pulled off by the Orange Mall and flew down the 55. Then I got lost. I cried. I thought I was going to lose my appointment and broke down. Directions are sooo not my thing. Turn east, turn west, and proceed o.7 miles, mean nothing to me. How about, what restaurants are close to it or are any stores next to it? I am a landmark kind of navigator. I finally found the office, which by the way was very ghetto. I was told I had pityriasis rosea. It is caused by a virus, no one really knows how you get it. It's not contagious or anything (I'm not a leper). But has been the reason I was miserable for 2 months. Starts with one little bump and spreads like crazy. I self- diagnosed myself through WebMD. That shows how much time I spent on the internet trying to figure out what the hell it was. From now on, I'm just going to call a dermatologist right away and not dink around with my retarded regular doctor. He hasn't a clue of anything. Lesson learned.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


3 weeks with this horrible chicken pox- like rash. First, I had one weird raised bump, then like 10, then a crazy, full blown rash. It's really sexy, ask my boyfriend. Ha, not. I already had the chicken pox when I was 6. Haven't I suffered enough? I have been poppin' Benadryl like a maniac (I think my body is now immune to it). I have lost so much sleep and have taken more oatmeal baths than anyone should ever have to take. I FINALLY ( after 2 visits to my regular doctor, 2 prescriptions later...) have an appointment tomorrow. I hope he knows what is wrong with me, because I have not an ounce of patience left in me. I thought I had spider/mosquito bites, bed bugs, flea bites (However, Bugman thought I was crazy) ? I think now it might be an allergy or a virus. Cross your fingers for me please. I'll love you forever.

Hypochondriac Erin

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Catcher in the Rye

was the best book ever made, hands down. Holden Caulfield is my favorite literary character. I think we would have been best friends. We both are pessimists and hate phonies. Speaking of phonies, I haaaaaaate when people say they miss you. If you really missed me, you'd make time to see me or talk to me. Don't text me out of the blue and say you miss me. It just pisses me off.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

so itchy

Rash, go away. You're unbearable and unattractive.

Friday, June 4, 2010

I am going to stop being a debbie downer

,or I am going to TRY and stop. The glass is half full :)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Is this real life?

Where are we supposed to live... with two yellow labs, a cat, a snake, and 5 people, for a rent controlled house in Yorba Linda? That is the biggest joke ever. Economy you are a bitch.


I have never been so mad at myself. Why did I quit so early. I could have kept up with that math class. I could have hired a tutor, I could have done something. Now, I have to stay another year at SCC. ughhh ughhhhhhhhhhh. I worked my ass and it wasn't enough. London, you better come faster because, I don't think I can make it.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Officially starts tomorrow at 1:15. I am thrilled. No more essays, tests, or homework. The beach is going to be my home. I am going to be BLACK with RED HAIR, you just wait. I am so thankful that school is done. I really need this break.

Why am soo lame? Every summer break, I think of The Goofy Movie song, "After Today".

Thursday, May 27, 2010



Where I feel safe
Where I have my own room
Where I have my own bathroom
Where I have my own closet
Where I learned to drive
Where I fell in love
Where I graduated high school
Where I lost Helen and Maggie
Where I know my way around
Where it is convenient
Where I have a place to park my car
Where I feel comfortable
Where friends come to relax
Where there is space for all my furniture
Where I can stare at my outfit in my closet mirror
Where I got my first job
Where I can close my door and lock out the world
Where I had a yard big enough to play soccer in and my dogs could run
Where I made new friends and already started over

Where I am going to miss

Move out day is July 5th. My 20th birthday will be spent in our our new home/box. I can't wait, NOT.

Goodbye East Lake... Hello Ghetto.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Menstration in other Countries

  • The Netherlands: “The tomato soup is overcooked”
  • Brazil: “I’m with Chico”
  • China: “Little Sister has come”
  • many parts of Latin America: “Jenny has a red dress on”
  • Australia: “I’ve got the flags out”
  • Denmark: “There are Communists in the fun house”
  • Ireland: “I’m wearing a jam rag”
  • England: “I’m flying the Japanese flag”
  • Japan: “Little Miss Strawberry”
  • France: “The English have arrived”
  • Germany: “The cranberry woman is coming”
  • Puerto Rico: “Did the rooster already sing?”
  • South Africa: “Granny’s stuck in traffic”
weird and useless. haha

I got it. I got it.


Saturday, May 22, 2010

I am a wigger

Today I looked like a stupid white girl. I was in Walmart and I wanted to find my black girl conditioner. Yes, I use black girl conditioner (Thanks Quisa). It smells nice and tames my afro of red hair, ok? Anyways I couldn't find it. So I start looking at other shampoos, that might be similar. As I'm standing there a black man, politely asks me to move. His gf looks at me like I am lost. I'm sure they thought I was the dumbest person alive. Like go get your white girl, Pantene Pro V. I felt discriminated against :(

Friday, May 21, 2010

Working my ass off

I hope it's worth it. 2 more weeks of school thank you Jesus :) working over 40 hours a week doing random activities.

Connolly Women

Why are we so god damn stubborn? It's a curse and a blessing. hmm

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


4 years. Definitely the best anniversary we've ever had. My boyfriend was so generous and took my to Glen Ivy Hot Springs for a FULL BODY SWEDISH MASSAGE. It was the most relaxing thing I have ever done. It was so cool to be in the same room together and zoning out. Then we rented a movie and got sushi for lunch. After that we had dinner at Orange County Mining Co. the view was incredible. I am so lucky to have a romantic boyfriend who took the time to put this beautiful day together for me. I am spoiled and grateful. When you have a boyfriend like Al, you don't want to let them go. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Babe, I love you.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

These make me laugh


I like this

cheap and organized, this is totally me.

Jersey Infinity Circle Scarf/Necklace

It's kinda urban-y. I like it. You don't have to.

Cinco De Mayo Craft

Mexican Sombreros
-pipe cleaners/ pom poms/ glitter

Magnetic Felt Alphabet Letters

I made them for my kindergartners:
What you need
-scrap booking letters
-hot glue gun

did you know

that they make Spanx for men? hahhha

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

You don't notice.

You have no idea how unhappy I am. You have no idea how much I'm hurting. You don't care. Let me go.

"If i'm not the one thing you can't stand to lose
If i'm not that arrow to the heart of you
If you don't get drunk on my kiss
If you think you can do better than this then i guess we're done
Let's not drag this on
Consider me gone"

Monday, April 26, 2010

I'm sore all over

2 hour workout today, uh huh uh huh uh huh. Felt good. Dance class was kind of a snooze. I like the other teacher better. But SET class was good. I didn't eat very healthy today :( lots of carbs. The gym is a germy germ town. I swear people don't wipe down their sweat off of the equipment. PISSES ME OFF! I am going to load up on anti-bacterial wipes because that shits not flying with me. I love how I go there to be healthy and feel good, only to come out with a six pack and rashes all over me. Hey gym! Lepers aren't sexy. I need to bring a bigger towel or something and keep that shit on the DL. Another thing that bugs me, anorexic girls who don't need to be at the gym. Go eat some ice cream and get healthy honey. Then maybe I can get my non-size zero ass, on that machine. They like socialize at the gym and use mats and workout benches as seats to gossip on. Another thing, is the stench you get stuck to sometimes. REALLY DUDE?, get some deodorant. It works wonders. I love holding my breath for my last 5 minutes of cardio, stuck next to the stinky dude. MAKES ME SO HAPPY.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

15 Diet Tips

Happy EARTH Day!

I think people take the Earth for granted. We do not treat it the way we should. 4.6 billion years of awesomeness and we are murdering it. It makes me sad. Release your inner hippie and recycle or go plant a tree today, or go hug one :) We need to love our home, not destroy it.

100 ways to save the Earth:


I hope you are ready for me, because I am soooooo ready for you. (Am I weird that London reminds me of Peter Pan? I am such a Disney child).

Think of the presents you've brought
Any merry little thought
Think of Christmas, think of snow
Think of sleigh bells Here we go!
Like a reindeer in the sky

You can fly! You can fly!
You can fly! You can fly!

Soon you'll zoom all around the room
All it takes is faith and trust
But the thing that's a positive must
Is a little bit of pixie dust
The dust is a positive must

You can fly! You can fly!
You can fly! You can fly!

When there's a smile in your heart
There's no better time to start
It's a very simple plan
You can do what the birdies can
At least it's worth a try

You can fly! You can fly!
You can fly! You can fly!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Transforming my BOD

Woo week 2! I'm gunna have a six pack and a tight ass! ahhah. aaand preferably look like this ^^^^

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Mustache Bandanas


Police hunt 'The Midnight Knitter' wool graffiti bandit

Hahaha. Who has the time to do this stuff? It makes me laugh.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I am lazy. I am the who destroys all my goals. I had a goal, a goal to go to community college, two years, that's it! I didn't know if I could do it. I know so many people who didn't do it in two. But I wanted to be different. Unfortunately the beginning math classes I had to take my first year set me back. 9 units, of un-transferable garbage. I finally had this teacher, who taught me everything from 3rd grade to college algebra in a matter of 2 semesters. I actually started to like math. I have never been good at math. I cop out. I feel dumb because I can't do normal, everyday math. I struggle with it, every damn day. Mad Minutes back in elementary school would ruin my day and that stupid line you had to draw after your last problem you finished, I did maybe ten problems (there's 50 on a sheet). In third grade, if I didn't pass my math mastery I was going to be held back. I cried all the time, I cried while I did my flashcards every night, I cried when I did my math homework. I was pissed at myself for never understanding it. I would work on my flashcards all the time. It was like extra homework on top of my normal homework. I LOATHED math. I finally took my test and I PASSED. I never really "passed" math, but I passed 3rd grade. I still never understood it, but I didn't care. That was the problem, because it haunted me all the way through junior high, high school, and now, in college. I finally reached Math 105, I know this sounds pathetic to those of you who are in statistics and calculus, but for me this was huge. I started off great, till I took my first test. I understood all the math but my teacher doesn't give partial credit. I didn't have a= on one of my problems, got the 5 minute problem right, but forgot that a=, and no credit. I about died. Second test wasn't any better. I decided to drop (today actually), Cal State Fullerton, won't accept me anyway because I needed 60 units, now that wasn't going to happen. What's wrong with 3 years at a community college? Well today god slapped me in the face. I dropped that math class and got my ACCEPTANCE letter in the mail, guess how many units I needed..... 9. The amount of units that my baby, doesn't count for shit, pluses and take-away, math classes took up of my time and money. Math, you won. I am staying another year at Santiago and I owe it all to you.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Fantastic Sams is not FANTASTIC!

Let me just tell you, the old ($plurging) Erin would have been at her favorite salon spending at least $50 on a trim and would not be caught dead at a Fantastic Sams. The new Erin is "trying" to save money. Sooo I figured how bad could it be? Maybe I'm just a Prima Donna? I walk in and there are little boys everywhere! First clue, to a bad experience. Then I see everyone walking out with their hair wet, like dogs! Hmmm. I'm new to this whole thing, so I went with it. I sit on the seat, she tells me I have split ends, no shit, that's why I am getting a hair cut. She asks me how short I want it, in fear, I tell her only AN INCH. After that, she never said another word to me. She shampooed and conditioned for like a minute. I don't know if that's normal, but my salon massages your head for a good ten minutes. I walk over to her chair of death and she starts cutting. It's ok.. not too bad. Then all of the sudden I see her comb my ear and it yanked out my earring. Trying not to be rude, I didn't say anything because I didn't want her to fuck my hair up. So I was quiet. Then she keeps cutting. She spins me around and I have 5 inches cut off. Awesome, If I wanted to hack my hair off, I definitely wouldn't do it here! Then she takes my cape off. I call it a cape, get over it. My hairs still soaking wet. I give her a weird look. "you want me to blow it dry (asian voice)"-lady, "Umm yeah?"-me, "that's $10 more (asian voice)"-lady. "$10? never mind, so do I put it into a ponytail?"-me, "uhh yeah (asian voice)"-lady. I was judging by the shiteous hair cut, she wasn't a whiz with a blowdryer... I paid $23 for my "experience" and lost the backing to my earring. Needless to say I learned an important lesson. Don't be a penny pincher when it comes to beauty, get your ass to a real salon, and when you want to bitch about the price, look in the mirror (you'll realize, it's worth it) :(

-A dissatisfied customer

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Crazy Restaurants

Under water Restaurant

Sky Restaurant (150 ft up)
Bathroom Themed
Death Themed
Hospital Themed

A snuggie for the germaphobes

I want this for London when I sleep in hostels! But the feet zipped up.

Chanel Temporary Tats

I think these are awesome. Be a bad girl for one night, then wash it away. Pure genius.
But personally I think $75 is a bit too much for something that usually comes out of machine at a pizza parlor. What do you think?


melts my heart....

This is how I feel in math class

..not happy about school starting back up.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Internet Bible

Ridiculously funny.

Ellie's New Best Friend.

This is either really cute, or really disturbing. I can't decide. Ellie is mesmerized by Roxy, she'll get up on the screen and pounce and paw at Roxy. Roxy isn't into Ellie's "companionship", she strikes at the glass thinking Ellie is a big fat mouse.