Day 5 of Spring Break, I went to LA Garment District with Caitlin and Megan Lee. The shops were overwhelming, but in a good way. Beads, fabric, trim, ribbons, feathers, it was nuts. I think I found a new favorite place. If you like DIY-ing, you would love it. I just wish I had more money. I would buy everything. There is so much culture there, lots and lots of weirdos. I got a pretty new phone cover for my BB Storm, for $6! That was because Megan was a little bargainer. Verizon Store, covers aren't cheap, like $20 bucks. I was pumped. It's purple. I also bought a fat roll of elastic about 144 yards for $9, that's a lot of headbands. GET EXCITED. I also bought these crazy colorful scarves, they kinda look Mexican, but I think they're rad. Then we had a delicious lunch at Portillo's on the way home. I was a happy camper.
Funny Quotes of the Day:
"See.. look at that girl's (me) shoes, they don't look cute, until there on someone."-Lady in the bead store, (in regards to ankle sandals).
"Hey Baby!" (smooches me a kiss)-Gross old man.
"You need to spend $100 minimum"-man, "WHAAAT?!, MEGAN!!?"-Caitlin, "I don't have $100"-Me, "Today is special, beautiful girls, get discount, no need to buy $100."-man, (we walk out of the store, "that man scared me!"-me.
"Is that our parking lot?" -Caitlin, "No, our parking lot said $4"-Megan, (keep walking down the street) "I think that was our parking lot"-Megan, "Excuse me, did that sign used to say $4 (it now said $3, man shakes his head), "I told you guys"-Caitlin. hahahahh
"Order number 177, you're in heaven number 177", "Order 173, come see me, order 173". (haha sayings to come get your food at Portillo's. ) P.S best Italian beef dip, I've ever had. I wish they had more around where I live. The closest one is in Buena Park.